Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Designing from the "Inside Out"

When part of a larger project or the design of a single sign, the approach to the actual graphic layout of a sign should be opposite to the “Outside In’’ approach. Starting at the center of the sign area at the point in which the eye naturally flows to first. The layout of the graphics needs to be well done and work your way out from there. Whether it is a great logo or simple copy used for giving the most basic of information, the layout and arrangement of the graphics and margins around it are critical. One may have the greatest looking sign structure in the world but if the focus of the sign is poorly done it detracts from the sign as a whole. Working out from the center the margins, panel shape and embellishments such as trim, headers, column, base and even landscaping all should have a combined effect of a thoughtful planned purposeful aesthetic.

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